Pink’s Madness 1.4. Birthdays and Bonding


Lets start with some cooking, because it shows a rare occurence; there is only cake in the fridge. Plus it’s when I realised I have a Sim day to fully train 3 toddlers. Well the potty is done. So I sense another 3 bad birthdays.


It may not look like it but Mary and York are playing tag.


York also finds time to empty the potty, leaving Zadok time to try to get his wish of having Young grow up well. We’re working on her first.


Yeats prefers to struggle with chess on her own.

Oh and Zolotow has had her baby. He’s called Andre and is her partner Carmen Ayre’s son.


It doesn’t take Tim long to get back to playing computer games in the new house.


An ungrateful Henchman goes to bed. He wanted to get promoted. He gets the promotion, joins the Evil branch, and what’s his first new wish. Get fired. That’s right, he wants to betray his LTW and get fired. I’m not amused with him. He also didn’t finish teaching Young how to walk either. He was a tiny fraction off. Meanie.


Yellin’s crying then wakes the entire house, and she refuses to stop re-reading her book until Zadok passes out.


Young grows up and is now  forced to be a clumsy coach potato along with Insane.


Yellin is forced into Eco-Friendliness to join her Insane Absent-Minded-ness.


Yerbys is forced to add Unlucky to Insane and Loves the Outdoors.

Wonderful fun. All with useless traits, I think I prefer my artistic virtuoso best so far.


Pink and Justin both pop by to visit their grandchildren on their birthday. Sweet. Tim is noticeably absent.


Such a nice site seeing everyone get off the bus together. Can anyone actually guess which one is which? Without going back to check. I can! And I was surprised that I could.


Yerby finds it wonderful fun to put books away. Thankfully there are no toddlers about so it’s a good thing. Although I would be happier if she was actually gaining skills.


It may not look it but Young and Mary are actually getting along. And darn it I just saw Mary’s nose side one. Hopefully it won’t have been inherited.


Young does however find it enjoyable to lose me points.

Oh and a dating update. Zahn broke up with the girl he was seeing after his wife died and is now dating Priscilla who he had hearts for when I did the spare update.

Oh and Zettel is now married to Arnulfo Blalock. He’s a coffee courier. This is Week 13 Day 4.

I have to admit though I have been slack with Zadok visiting his siblings, but then he has had 6 children to raise, and I do want him to be the Emperor of Evil and he is only at Level 7, and his boss does hate him.


It also seems like a good time to get the garden going again. Just small, but you never know if a science, or gardening ltw will pop up and maybe having a garden however small already will help with this. Besides it will save on grocery bills.


The kids do do mad things, Yellin is reading on a computer chair rather than on the empty comfy sofas by the bookshelf and Yeats is getting mad at herself.

Oh and Zahn is actually now single for once.


The triplet girls grow up

Yeats develops Unlucky.

Yates is forced to become disciplined.

York fails to develop a sense of humour.


Zahn has another girlfriend. He is dating Abby Herrera who I once had in mind for Zadok or Ziljak seeing as she is more Ziljak’s age. She’s pretty so he’s done well.


Zadok walks out on the party to visit Zolotow’s son Andre at the library. Also there is Arnulfo Blalock. I keep want to replace the  l with something else whenever I think of his name.

 But hopefully he and Zettel will have cute children like Andre seems to be. All cute with his blonde hair.


Yates does the laundry even though she hates it.


Before settling down to some sketching. The other painting is York’s.


Yerby also manages to find time to do some homework.


Quite a crowd gathers for York’s pre-school debut concert.


Sensing his father’s growing success in Evil Young wants to join him. As does Yeats and Yates. However dad’s success is causing Yerby and York to want to join Forensics and Yellin to want to Lead the Free World. Strange how one promotion to Super Villain can cause so much wanting among the children.


Yerby and Mary have some mummy daughter boning over a game of catch. Sweet.


So they should be embarrassed both wetting themselves in the bathroom.

Not realising that Day 7 of Week 13 is a sad day.
Zola has passed. She is survived by the husband she hated Thomas Castor Pink, and her Snitch daughter Sonja Pink who is still dating her teenage boyfriend Jackie.
Oh yes and Thomas is already dating Stacey Ernst who was dating Zahn immediatly after his wife passed. She must like widows.


Mary kept Yerby outside too long.


Zadok and Yates try some family bonding aswell. Zadok wants her to get on the honour roll. Unfortunately it does make Zadok miss work aswell. Well he only has one promotion to go.

Score: A could be worse minus 99.

10 thoughts on “Pink’s Madness 1.4. Birthdays and Bonding

  1. LOL! I can see Yellin wandering around with a crushed aluminum can or empty bottle wondering what she was going to do with it…

    Poor Yarby. At least her clothes are nicely coordinated, even if they are wet.

  2. It’s so difficult to keep track of it all.
    I love your “could be worse” -99.

    I must recalculate my scores.
    You’re ISBI makes me happy Pink!

    • I’m glad it makes you happy. It makes me happy too.

      As for the whole it could be worse I think I was in minus triple figures at one point. I might a graph to keep track of the rise and fall of the score through the parts.

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