Pink’s Madness. 1.5 LTW’s and Rad


What better way to start an entry than with Zadok creeping out Yellin by telling her a ghost story. She thinks he is being odd, yet she is just as insane as he is.


Anybody get Yellin is staring at at 8am? Me neither.


I should have realised buying the games console was a bad idea. At least the bear likes it. This ones Dec. Ant is still about somewhere too.


York has taken to exercise. And before you I ask I checked and that is her everyday wear. I’m slightly shocked that I had that as everyday wear too.


Gardening is a family affair.


Guess what Yellin does at 10 am on a Monday. She talks to herself at home in the bathroom. Stupid child.


Yerby develops Heavy Sleeper due to her honour roll status

Young develops mean-spirited due to his honour roll status.

Yellin develops dislikes children due to her honour roll status.

Only York passed out at the party which was primarily teens. Unfortuantly most of them were female, so Young will have some fun, but there was the odd boy for the girls.


Someone broke the sink and Yeats is kind enough to fix it.


Sometimes I think Mary is insane as well. And not because she is wearing her swimming costume, which isn’t strange as I thought a swim themed party would be fun.


Yates shows off her new martial arts badge not in a her martial arts uniform, which makes it kind of extra funny.


Guess what Yellin is doing? I bet you can’t.

No she’s not playing a computer game. Keep guessing

No she isn’t chatting to a random stranger. Next guess?

Is writing a novel? Not quite so profitable, but yes she is writing. Yes actively writing! If only she didn’t hate children. But then I already know what Rad is thinking on this.

Oh really you’re not bothered about Yellin writing you’re more interested in the block of stone? Well Young at some point starting whittling and left it alone. I think I’ll scrap it so someone may actually finish something.


Yeats also tries for my good books; not that what I think matters my sketching.


Zadok tops the evil criminal branch reaching his LTW in the process. So he immediately quits to start a second career because if he tops it it’s extra points. Although if he tops it after he becomes uncontrollable I’ll get more points because he won’t be the Torch Holder. Hehe. We’re aiming for master thief this time. And at last check there was nothing against that.

Mary is doing well she’s at level 4. Oh pants I forgot her LTW was raise 5 children to teens. So that’s done too. Ooh my points are almost positive now.

Oh and Zimler would like to announce the arrival of his genius daughter Nikki Pink.


A trip to the library shows York that sculpting is fun.


She leaves it looking like this.

Meanwhile at home Young is sculpting again.


Mary and Zadok also take some time to reconnect. A very rare occurence for my Sims.


Anyone would think there was no food in the house the way Yellin rummages.


Rummaging does have it’s side affects though.


Yeats seems upset to be on the honour roll.


Yates is arrested and it’s not even a cute male cop.


To make matters worse Yates squealed and now Zadok is in the cells.


York and Yeats hold an art convention.


Meet Rad. I don’t know how they picked her up. I think it was one of the rubbish rummagings. I didn’t think she was magic to start with but it would appear she is proving me wrong.


It seems that there is always something to fix in this house. But until he gets round to making things self-cleaning they’ll also be dirty. If their self cleaning it saves more time.

Score: minus 24

6 thoughts on “Pink’s Madness. 1.5 LTW’s and Rad

  1. Yay! I am a gnome! I admit, I was a bit worried by the blog title…

    Yellin rummages in her own bins? Sims are weird.

    • She doesn’t find anything either she just rummages, I think she does it to find food, it doesn’t work.
      I admit I was trying to be shocking with the title. I’m glad it worked.

  2. heehee! I wondered how Rad was going to show up.

    lol @ Yates squealing – interesting how big a part the cops played in this update!

    • If it wasn’t for the cop visits and a couple of passing outs I would have -4 like I was for part of the week. But the Honour Rolls and LTW’s were nice.
      I’m hoping for gnomes so that I can cycle thorugh my favourite blog authors.

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