Pink’s Madness. 3.6. 19/30


Yerby looks happy! Why?

Xiong is due to be a father. He’s been cheating on his magician girlfriend with a girl called Dalma Palma. Isn’t that name funky? They are expecting soon. They live together. I wonder what his girlfriend has to say about that?

Xiao is single again.


Walker joins his brothers at High School becoming Athletic along the way.


Just as Ward heads to school as a Friendly little child.


You’ve guessed it there will be more dirty nappies soon.


In an attempt to make everyone happy they head to the pond to fish seeing as they all want to learn how. I think it had something to do with the fish and chips. Didn’t work may as well have just stayed home. Ooh there’s a fishing channel.

But everyone’s hungry so it’s off for a nightly bistro meal just to try and keep Chanda happy and hopefully get her some good moodlets.

Plus it’s celebration time. Moses Palma has just arrived with his insane clumsiness. Aww cute! Xiong is still dating Wanda.


Darn it. All I did was try to get her to eat cheese steak, cookies and pancakes in a row. Oh and now watermelon Cobbler is on the menu. You wouldn’t think they both wanted a boy.


The pregnancy seems to be going well though and she is now at writing level 5 somehow.


W27D2 Labour begins. I think I’ll leave this one a guessing game too. 6.15 pm

Darn it Xi had just finished the cobbler.

Plus Yellin has just passed.

Walsh:  Insane, CLumsy.  Latin, Pancakes, Brown

Wallace:   Insane, Absent-Minded,  Rockabilly, Falafal, Purple

I’m pretty sure the elder boys will be unavailable for heir. Saving 13 more lives will probably take longer than 8 days.

Oh and Xiong has had another oops in the bedroom. This time with  Daisy Proctor. Their daughter is Insane and Friendly called Marina. Born W27D3

Do any of you care about the extended family or is it just me?


Isn’t it nice when families do things together?


Who’s a good Wagner. He’s been flirting all afternoon with Danica and Christina Dickinson (Shannon Cintron ;Elias’ daughter children). Finally Christina succumbs to a hug.

Will it go all the way like in the Stephansdom ISBI? We’ll have to wait and see because it’s curfew time.

Oh and the spares are getting more interesting. Wanda and Xiong have broken up and Wanda is now dating Xiao. Oh yes I am sure they are the same girl.


They still like using the wooden toilet wherever possible. I wasn’t sure where to put it so I just kept it in the hall. Wilde is relieving himself in this pic incase you were wondering.


It’s a gnome party! Meowz and Tipix are the bears, and Rad (picture hog) and Db are the standard gnomes.

Jc is viewing the graves around the side of the house, and Dec is handstanding in the living room. I’m not sure where Ant is.


It’s honour roll time for Ward, the twins are on it again aswell. I love them being so intellectually minded.


Walsh (blonde) and Wallace (black) grew into toddlers. I don’t know where the black hair came from. It surely can’t be a recessive from Justin, unless Chanda’s parents. I never saw what they looked like, seeing as they have grey hair in the thumbnail and I never met them. I think they died. There pics aren’t grayed out though there are a few pics like that high up the tree where the Sims must have died the pic just hasn’t updated.


Xiong pops around for the party and tries to strangle himself. I haven’t seen that Insane thing in ages. They all seem pretty bland now. They need spicing up somehow. Any ideas?


Walsh is the first to understand the concept of the potty and the spoken word.


Guess what’s happening? That’s right I go off and concentrate and putting the fire out rescuing to Sims to bring the total to 19 look home and it’s green glowed and ghost invaded with a ghost hunter. I didn’t realise your playable lot could be ghost invaded.


Of course resident ghost hunter Xiao gets distracted with martial arts. *rolls eyes*

Promptly everyone wants to rule evil or science. Strange I thought a ghost hunter want might have appeared.

Also whilst getting rid of the ghosts Xiao managed to marry Wanda I can’t remember her last name so it will be Fish from now on. Somebody will get the joke.

Xiong is dating Simone Mora.


Simlia becomes my favourite gnome! My first sculpting gnome. This ones in wood, maybe I’ll get a stone and clay one later on.

Simlia of course writes the Stephansdom ISBI

Xi made her. He also wants to make an another child with Chanda. For a non-family Sim he is very broody.
Maybe if he has an affair that will take the focus off a bit. He gets on with Shannon very well, and it would keep it in the family so to speak.


With Shannon out Dierdre Hargrove seemed the next best choice. They’ve been friends since school. Besides Shannon’s house is full as it turns out.

Slight problem Dierdre is best friends with Wagner. This could be interesting. *evil glint*

Tune in next time to see if Dierdre is pregnant, and if Xi will complete his LTW. Only 11 people to go.

Score: +283

9 thoughts on “Pink’s Madness. 3.6. 19/30

  1. Oooh, never seen that ghost hunting thing at home – except when I scanned the house for ghosts.

    Gnome party! I like our new addition.

    • I love the gnomes, but your is espeically wonderful, the laundry ones get boring after a while. Who else would I name gnomes after if it wasn’t blogs I read/ intend to read.
      I’m glad you all care because there’s another spare update coming.

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