Pink’s Madness. 3.7. Keeping It In The Family


Ward grew up and added charismatic to Friendly and Clumsy. I also know that that hair is neutral so as long as I don’t show the main body and only the head it can remain ambiguous. But then you all you’ve worked out that out anyway right?

In a weird twist older brother Walker wants to be Scientist, Criminal and Illustrative Author at the same time. Yep he has 3 possible LTW’s in his wish panel at the same time.

The youngest twins are also now all fully trained. Yay! More time for him to concentrate on his garden and cooking. Xi rather likes cooking at the moment.


Chanda is getting on well with Justin Pink (founding spouse) she’s also somehow gaining charisma now. Don’t have a clue how. Must have started reading a book whilst I wasn’t looking. Not complaining though. It will make her promotions go a lot quicker.


Isn’t little Avery; Xenophon’s son adorable. His house was on fire, hence why I’ve visited him.


Meet the latest Investigative Reporter (6) Still a long way to go.


Rain Pryor is welcomed into the world on W27D3. Rain is the daughter of Diedre Pryor née Hargrove and her one night stand Xi Pink and not her new husband Brice Pryor, although the baby was given his surname.


Visiting his daughter means he misses his wife’s birthday. Chanda won’t be impressed. He’s still obsessed with having babies with her though. She’s only older because he’s been on the life fruit to try and buy time to complete his LTW. If worst comes to worst he can always remarry after her death if he hasn’t completed it by the time the girls are ready to take over.


Wagner always seems happy playing the guitar. The eldest twins are moving out tomorrow. They can’t be heir seeing as there isn’t anyway possible way to save 11 Sims in 1 day.

Walker would like to be a chef.

I have how I want the marriages for the W’s worked out. Wagner will get together with Danica, Wilde will break up Diedre and Brice to become her partner. Well they are great friends. It’s possible.

Walker will maybe get together with Christina, unless he turns out gay which will muck up my family tree. My tree site doesn’t accept same sex partners. It’s stupid but still.

Oh and the spare X’s? Xiong broke up with girlfriend Simone Mora in favour of the elder Colette Huey. Simone is now dating Xingjion. What is it with the X’s taking Xiong’s cast offs?

Oh crud just noticed that Danica has gotten married to Joaquin Salgado. Mucking up my plans. Hmph!



TRAITS: Perceptive, Insane, Family Orientated, Eco-Friendly, Hot-Headed.

LTW: Surrounded By Family

FAVES: Classical, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Red.

Shame his LTW was very doable. Even if I’ve already done it 3 times.



TRAITS: Insane, Heavy Sleeper, Perceptive, Eccentric, Coward.

LTW: Pervasive Private Eye (35 cases)

FAVES: Soul, Ratatouille, Aqua

That would have been nice too. Pity. Although the coward bit wouldn’t be great with a houseful of ghosts around.


Both find a girl to hug amoursly as soon as they birthday. Incidently both are in relationships with a Brice. Just noticed whilst pasting in the pic I left the wall down. I do apologise. It must have slipped my mind to pop it seeing as I play with half wall normally.


Got so caught up watching the romance blossom that I forget about the girls.

Wallace decides that being scared of technology is great, whilst Walsh adds eccentric to the mix. Well I like Walsh best; she’s blonde and she’s not scared of technology. It’s win win. But then Wallace does have the lilac eyes. Ugh. You’ll have to choose, unless one gets a nice LTW and the other doesn’t. What? I can choose my own heir if I want. Oh Wallace has the black hair and Walsh the blonde.

Oooh. Danica has gotten a divorce already. Only one day of marriage. Well it’s up to the time stream, will it carry out my dreams for me?

Ooooh wedding bells. Less than 24 hours after they moved out they are both married!

*Cheers with joy*

Wagner has married Danica Dickinson-Salado. She hasn’t been divorced long. Guess she was just waiting until he grew up. Danica is of course Elias’ daughter. Justin was Xi’s father not Elias.

Wilde has married Diedre Hargrove-Pryor. If you remember she is the mother of Rain Pryor, his half-sister. So he has married his kind of step-mother. Sort of.

Well the game allows it (and did it) so it’s fine.

Oh and Xiong is now dating Sharonda Ulrich who has previously dating one of the other brothers.

Oh and Xingjian has now married Simone; Xiong’s ex-girlfriend.

And yes this is all happening on W28D5 aka Thursday.

Confused? Me too.


4 trapped Sims. Goodie. *rubs hands with glee*

23 down 7 to go.


Then a heart broken Quintin Middleton passes of OLD AGE. His wife Nikki Pink (Zimler’s daughter) had passed earlier that day. They’d been married for just over 2 weeks.

It’s a natural old age death on another lot, it doesn’t lose me points.

Busy Thursday.


Ward finds an athletic streak.

Walker still wants to be a chef. He cooks sometimes. Pity Walker can’t be heir seeing as saving 7 sims in 1 work day isn’t gonna happen. Ward may be up for heir. He has 8 days left, so 6 working days. It’s possible. Just.


It’s a Money Tree shoot. Yay! Not that need money after they collect the business money on a Sunday. They still have a few shares to buy though. Both Athletic, and half the Science building, and half the hospital.


Chanda becomes a Weather Woman. (7) Almost there.


Marina Proctor gets carried out of the second large house fire of the day. Marina is Xiong’s daughter.

He’s at 27 Sims after today.

Only 3 left so the heir poll be after the next entry where Ward, and the girls will be up for it.


After a tough day he heads over to visit his youngest child. She’s so adorable. Will be it majorly wrong if I transfer her into the house. Rain is just so cute. I love her.


Wallace does her homework like a good girl.

Oooh and to make things more complicated Diedre Hargrove, Pryor, Pink is pregnant with her ex Brice Pryor’s child. Haha. Poor Wilde, raising the father he hates daughter, and now finds out his wife was pregnant when they wed. Poor guy. Although Brice has had it tough aswell. He raises a step-daughter from birth then gets ditched before he finds out he’ll be a dad.

Xiong has yet another new girlfriend. This one’s called Renee Roland.

Xi wants grandchildren pronto. Well it will hopefully happen for him next Sim week.


Chanda finds Polly75, she writes the Sander Legacy.

Just as Derrick Pink is born Wagner and Diedre split up. I guess he didn’t want to raise a second child that wasn’t his.



TRAITS: Insane, Friendly, Photographer`s Eye, Athletic, GSOH.

LTW: Superstar Athlete

FAVES: French, Stirfry, Turquoise

He’s cute. They all got good looking when the Y’s arrived.


What is it with Diedre and the men in this family?

Better move Walker out before the end of the party which I don’t normally do. Hopefully they won’t get involved.

I think someone just baby bumped. Oh it’s Danica. Grandchildren soon!

Oh pants. Within an hour of him moving out he’s married. Hehe. Walker has married Diedre.

Walker is now married to his brother’s ex wife, and the mother of his half-sister. This gen has completely frazzled my head.

I think they need therapy.

On that note lets call it a day.

Suggestions on how I may make them more interesting to play/read?

Score: 293

6 thoughts on “Pink’s Madness. 3.7. Keeping It In The Family

  1. Rain is cute!

    They ARE interesting to read. Maybe for playing, if it’s a female heir, get all her kids to be from different fathers?

  2. I agree that they’re interesting! I just got behind what with all the drama in my life atm.

    I love how dierdre is just being passed along.

    What family tree site do you use?

    • I guess there just not interesting for me because it’s beginning to feel a bit wash/rinse/repeat-ish.
      I use tribal pages, because it lets you have unlimited people added, and have multiple trees under one username. Other sites have limitations on free versions over how many people can be in the tree or won’t let you use places that don’t exist for births etc and I like keeping track of when the Sims are born/die.
      Diedre is certainly a character, and she isn’t flirty or anything like that.

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