Heir Poll. Which W to enter the ring?

So it’s exactly as it says on the tin. Which W would you like as the heir?
You can vote as many times as you want for whoever you want.
Thankyou to everyone who has read this so far. *hugs and choc cake*
Thankyou to everyone who votes Even more choc cake for you.


Ward Pink.
TRAITS:Insane, Clumsy, Charasmatic, Friendly
FAVES: Latin, Mac n Cheese, Green


Walsh Pink
TRAITS: Insane, CLumsy, Eccentric, Dramatic.
FAVES: Latin, Pancakes, Brown


Wallace Pink
TRAITS: Insane, Absent-Minded, Technophobe,Good
FAVES: Rockabilly, Falafal, Purple

Just out of interest what is it that makes you vote for a heir. Looks? Fave colour? Traits?
You don’t have to answer. I just curious that’s all.

5 thoughts on “Heir Poll. Which W to enter the ring?

  1. Sometimes I vote for someone who has interesting genetics. I’m usually influenced heavily by the combination of traits. Two of your candidates this time have clumsy, which can be entertaining. Sometimes I go based on what I’ve seen them do. For example, in the Stephansdoms, Ember autonomously got a girlfriend, and that really influenced me in his favor.

  2. I usually vote for the person I wanna know more about, I look at traits too. For example, technophobes really make me mad in my game, so I don’t usually vote for them.

    DB – you and Rad both love Ember cause of his autonomous relationship!

    I would have voted for Wagner if he hadn’t been out of the running, but in this case I voted for trait combination.

    • Well I didn’t like Ember because he got the girlfriend.
      I tend to vote via genetics, and then by who the player liked/disliked because I’m nice like that. But if there’s an Evil Sim they usually become my fave.

  3. A combination of personality (both in terms of traits and in terms of what they’ve done in the game), looks and LTW. I voted Ward because of the hat, though.

    • I deliberatly gave him the hat, as when I was playing that part nobody had guessed his gender, and I knew that hat was neutral. Unfortunantly for you it doesn’t look like Ward will win. Unless you vote 7 more times before I close the poll, probably tomorrow.

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