Pink’s Madness. 4.4 Freezing and Crashing


Guess what seed is being planted! That’s right it’s a steak seed! 😀 I know! And only a day after Fire Sargeant Walsh planted her first egg and cheese. Well they had a stockpile of perfect of ones left from Xi.


Yes it’s grill-a-thon time. I was hoping the children might make some friends. Only grown ups of course around.



Vincenzi proves his worth as a spare by doing some painting.


You won’t get anywhere in the Fire Department unless you can work out for 6 hours straight.


Valery and Voltaire also flex their brain.


Vita practices her virtual chess. A much better option for a future Creature-Cross-Breeder.


Even ghosts get jealous when someone else kisses their husband.

Elias is kissing Walsh in front of Yerby if you hadn’t gathered.


Mass panic ensues when a birthday cake flames. Elias hung around for his triplets birthday.


Eventually Virgil adds dramatic to his traits.


Voltaire is forced to be handy.


Verne is also forced to be handy.


I hate Verne. He’s always floating off somewhere, about half a Sim hour before this I saw him getting in the shower, now he’s across the other side of town. Madness!

Darn it he interrupted Walsh’s 6 hour workout she was almost done, now she’ll have to start all over again. *Hmph*


Now in between this and the next bit I removed all cc, popped the stuff from the simstore back in, and downloaded a few more things from lainasims because I was bored, hence why the clothes have changed. Hopefully ths will mean that I won’t get a pause every 2 sim hours.

No reason for the pic other than the fact that I thought Vincenzi looked quite cool like this in swim wear and windswept hair with the sunglasses. Verlaine is trying to shoo him for no reason whatsoever. I wish he’d go to bed.

I like Vincenzi I do, but if he is heir than I can’t move Dallas Shallow in, and I looked in the cloned hood to see his LTW and it is so acheivable. I mean he’d probably meet it just on moving in.


And hey Virgil has the sunnies too. He just doesn’t have the hair. But that’s fixable, well not now for telling them apart. He’s started doing some wonderful surfer boy poses when I’m not really looking, and can’t get a pic in time.

The problem with the hood now is that there is 144 Sims in it, which isn’t great and there is only 3 children and 4 teens in the entire hood, and if you do maths right you’ll realise that this household is 4 teens and 3 children. Isn’t that wodnerful? Darn it I’ll have to merge a new hood of Sims in. Sunset Valley or Barnacle Bay?

Barnacle Bay is drastically smaller being only 57 Sims according to Wiki, and Sunset Valley is 25 families.

And I haven’t really played with Barnacle Bay at all.

We’ll see later. I just want to play the week through, we can worry about spouse possibilities later.

Darn it you forget to check up on the extended family for a while, and people go and marry into complicated trees. Darn you Darla Pink. marryign into the McNabb-Curious family.

Oh and Avery went and married into the Seward’s who married in with the Broke’s.

Avery is Xenophon’s son, and Darla is Danica and Wagner’s daughter.

For more info see the family tree linked in the sidebar. Just play about with it a bit and you’ll see more info about everything. The family is currently 193 Sims.


Blasted Verne, I’ll be happy to send him back to the Netherworld the amount of points he’s lost me. None of them have made it up to me with  honour roll points.



This is the smelly bum of a Fire Chief. Yep she’s topped her 2nd career. Ummm what should she do next… Which ambtions thing will be less vile arcitecture or stylist… Am I missing one? Oh PI. I like PI that can be next.

Makes me wish she hadn’t gained so much logic skill getting up the ghost buster ranks.

oooh Virgil has the pyromaniac trait.

Oh I am so tempted to get him to burn something. But I don’t want to break the rules. *sigh*

Walsh has the sneak her option from criminals.

Oh Enrique Keyes has died. He was only 13 weeks and 2 days old. He’d only married his wife 5 weeks and 2 days ago. Enrique Keyes is Andre Pink’s (Zolotow’s son) son with Aileen Keyes who is Jonathon Woodson’s (Yeats husband) niece.

Oh and Wlash’s new career has prompted the kids to want to be Scientists, or Super Spies. We’re ignoring the Illustrative Author want.


Did he not see the bed?

I also hate Verne. Blasted ghost keeps floating off the lot in the middle of the night. And I mean he floats off the visible map across the Twinbrook Ocean. It isn ‘t good. Then he doesn’t get back till morning, by which time he’s ready to pass out just in time for school. Not happy.

If I lost the ghost point can I please send him to the netherworld 10 days early? Pretty please!

Oh and now Billie Hatton has the whole death warning. He’s Vincenzi’s dad. Well I say dad and mean Sim creater really, they met once I think.  And never phoned or anything. Maybe I should invite Dallas over we haven’t seen him a while, and in just 6 days he will be marrying in.

Hey Mary Kay has had a daughter called Jennifer. Darn it I knew I shouldn’t have moved the Harecroft family in-I gave them a complicated tree that they have complicated furtherand Martin Harecroft is Jennifer’s father, whilst his step-sister is dating Dallas. Don’t worry though although Dallas and Pantomine are dating she has commitment issues and it hasn’t progressed in the weeks they have been together.

Yes Pantomine’s sister is called Fairy and her brother called Crimin but they seemed to fit somehow.

Ok really must focus here. Two days left and I’ve been playing this update for over a week. I know. I’m awful. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.


Nicole expressed an interest in what our Illustrative Author/Scientist Verlaine had stolen, which prompted me to check the inventory. We have:

1 Buffet table

1 High Chair

1 Trampoline

1 Gnubb Set

I know I have no idea where he got them from either.


Mr I’m gonna float away from home in the middle of night is arrested.

Please let me get rid of him ahead of scedule!

I mean the police drop him off at the door and a minute later he floats off again.

I know what I’m going to do. In the 10 days left he will probably cost me atleast 10 + points seeing as he’s about to pass out and just hovers and does nothing, I am going to send back to the netherworld and count it as an accidental death losing me 10 points. I think it’s a justifiable point expense. So there.


And thus Verne becomes a ghost again permentantly. Week 35 Day 5.

Now I can get Dallas Shallow in the house ahead of the originally planned scedule.

And now the school is gltched again!

Ooh but Vincenzi could be heir now!

Swings and roundabouts.

Oh Bille Hatton has passed. W35D5

Oh great and now this is losing bits of post


Valery is forced to hate children


Vita is forced to be Artistic


Verlaine; the only one at home ruins his mother trying to woo his father and is forced to be dramatic.

And now I’m getting the error 12, I’ve never had that error before, apparently it isn’t good.

oh and now the game has crashed. Wonderful.


Time for a nice key cermemony for firefighters.

She turns up in her bathing suit.

And the game has fully crashed now, not just long lasting black screens that disappear to the regular game after a while.

I can’t remember when I last saved it wasn’t too long ago. But I think it was before the birthdays.

Yep before the birthdays but after Verne passed.


Valery forced to be brave

Vita chose to be Ambitious

Verlaine forced to be eccentric.

And the game borks again. Won’t save, won’t exit. Great!

Oh good it’s working again.


Ok place your bets. Is he happy or sad to have the most unique proposal I’ve ever done?

Well what’s wrong with getting hitched in the graveyard? She had to talk to Bob Simovitch there earlier about a lost wallet. Turns out Frank. N. Furter had it.

Oh yes sorry. W35D7  7.02 am. They’d been seducing each other since 11pm the previous night. Straight home to bed. To sleep I may add.


TRAITS: Mooch, Great Kisser, Evil, Flirty, Kleptomaniac.

LTW: Live in the Lap of Luxery ACHEIVED  on move in. 😀

FAVES: Electronica, Hot Dogs, White.

He only bought in 2,197. Stingy those Shallows. But then may be House rich. I think Mary-Kay just went through an expensive divorce. Oh no Mary Kay never married Martin Harecroft their daughter Jennifer’s father. He is a lot younger though.

Oh Dallas is a “Yes-Man” in Politics (4). He already has some charisma points which is great. Hopefully it’s not to late for him to form a relationship with his children (Verlaine, Vita & Valery)


So the house gets a makeover to add the white in and I discover Verne’s urn. Completely forgot about it so it gets placed with the others.

Well I haven’t completed the whole whiteness yet, but the retirement room  waits until the new heir take light.

Oh and a rug has been added to the stolen collection.

I redecorated it and placed it by what should be the front door. But they insist on using the nursery/garden door which is locked for household only to stop people stealing my veg. It is the only place with the option of being the front door, none of the others will let me set it, even though I’ve switched the doors positions over.

Placing a fenced area around it doesn’t help either. *sigh*

There’s also another ward ceremnoy which Pink Pink attends. Yes the long dead founder of the ISBI attends a cermemony at City Hall. Her grave lies at the house. She dies W10D6. It is now W35D7. 25 Weeks and 1 day ago.

Hold on. Where’s the game gone? I didn’t exit.

Must have crashed. The award cermemony caused problems last time. *sigh* I’ll have to skip it this time. Now when did I last save. I think it was post wedding.

Please be post wedding. I don’t want to redecorate.

Maybe I should get one of those auto-save things where it saves it after a set interval. Well I know I didn’t save post decorating actually. Stupid Pink.

Darn it pre-wedding. But only 4 hours previous to it.

So ahead of schedule this time they wed in the graveyard.

Save! Yes saving takes forever.

Interesting the lines on my hands have changed position.

Half an hour later decorating done & save.

I skip the celebration this time and the game doesn’t crash! Yay!


Valery is a good girl who practices her writing!

Of course Dallas wants to see a ghost so the ghosts are tactfully not haunting. Of course Dallas isn’t talking to the children either which is a pain as he could do with more charisma.

And of course just as it strikes midnight to end the week, and I do a last family tree check the game freezes.

It unfreezes to crash during saving.

When I re-enter all the madness hoods are crashing.

Everything else is working fine.

*Is devastated*

*starts panicking*

Now where did I put the backup?

Hah! I think one is working!

And it’s post marriage. And post decoration by the looks of the loading screen!

It’s working!

Only lost half a day!


Verlaine proves his worth.


Verlaine then entertains Valery and Voltaire with his level 3 guitar skills.

Hopefully take whatever this is now will work!

Oh Xiong is still alive. I know he’s getting on a bit now, seeing as half the W’s are elders now.

I think it’s finally saved!

So we end this week with +459

I’ll do an heir poll in a bit so that you have plenty of time to vote.

14 thoughts on “Pink’s Madness. 4.4 Freezing and Crashing

  1. Wow, sorry to hear about the constant crashes and freezes! Guess the neighborhood is full?

    I would like to pre-vote for Virgil; is that allowed? Wait a minute – who’s the klepto? I didn’t realize kleptos would steal so much autonomously! That’s pretty impressive.

    • DB the heir poll will be up first thing tomorrow morning British time, or in about 8 hours time from this message going up. Verlaine is the klepto not Virgil, but their full profiles will be there and you can vote more than once. But there’s still another week to go before Vincenzi birthdays anyway.
      The hood isn’t that full just under 200 out of a possible 300 that could live there.
      I think part of it was that the Key Ceremony was for Fire Fighting which she’d already quit.

  2. Talk about pure Madness! Do you have any idea what’s causing the crashing? CC, mods, windows 7, graphics issues, or just the save file? (Or Verne trying to destroy your life further?) I had similar issues with the Chouettes until Rad suggested the CFF explorer. Try moving everyone to a new hood perhaps? That way you won’t have to repopulate the neighbourhood, you can just use the Sims already there plus the current ones.

    • I think part of it was the City Hall ceremony for a Fire Fighting key when she had switched over professions, I did a cc cleanup half way through the update so it’s not that, but there was one questionable mod that deleting seems to have cleared things up.
      I really don’t want to move hoods because I like seeing the spares families develop but it is at the back of my mind.
      Thanks for the tip about CFF I’ll look into it if they cause me any more problems.
      Thankyou for commenting Tipix.

      • Oh don’t leave the spares behind! Save them to your family bin and bring them along, that’s what I do. It alleviates some of the major bugs that crop up over time.
        The CFF explorer just lets the game use more resources than it can otherwise. If you have Windows 7 and find it crashes only when you do something big like save then it will probably help.

      • I think I’ve solved it tipix thankyou. As long as I save in a couple of times a day and always just before and after big events it’s ok. Besides I don’t have Windows 7, and someone suggested removing any saves you weren’t currently using which is proving handy aswell.
        Thankyou or your help tipix.

  3. Ahh I love Verlaine! The look on his face the first time he aged up was priceless AND he managed to steal a trampoline with no one being the a child. My hero. Oh and your game sounds like insanity right now. Hope all your freezing and crashing and craziness gets resolved!

    • So far so good for 4.5 on the crashing front. 4.4 is not insane compared to 4.5 before school on Monday.
      You’re in DB’s Verlaine camp then? Just as I was going into her closed down Virgil club.

  4. The CFF fix is great, you should look into it, though it would also be fun to see them roaming around Barnacle Bay…

    Well done Walsh!

    Verne is doing a good job of playing spot the ghost on that floor.

  5. Wow, glad you could fix out all the trouble with your save file! I hate having to replay days at a time, so I always save at night when the last sim hits the bed.

    • I used to think that the hood was bad then. It’s worse now. It needs saving every 3 tops sim hours especially during school/work leave and end, and birthdays, and clothing.
      Thanks for reading.

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