Pink’s Madness. 4.5. Welcome to Hell


Dallas makes his first mistake. Not amused. Why couldn’t he have just gone to bed like a good spouse.


And a goldfish bites the dust.

I know they like eating goldfish. The thought of eating any fish makes me queasy but poor cute little goldfish…


Doesn’t she look good in her swish level 6 coat? If only the inspecting the mail would clear now she’s done it 4 times.


Arguments over the Vege-ness. Sounds like my house on Friday. Valery has been insulting Vin. Whilst Dallas in the background gets to know Step-Daughter Voltaire better. He’s friends with his step-children but not his own.


Then Hell breaks loose. Dallas and Voltaire start arguing.


Evil Virgil accuses Good Verlaine of being Insane. Pot, Kettle anyone?


Needless to say when Verlaine immediately asks Virgil to take the rubbish out it doesn’t get the desired response.


Meanwhile Vita makes fun of Valery.


Lilac eyed Virgil stamps his foot.


Then shows Verlaine who the rubbish really is.


The ambitious without ambition Vita points out her sisters problems, despite the fact that Valery has ambitions towards Science and Athletics.


You’d think she’d have more luck pointing out Voltaire’s drinking problem. Dallas of course is ignoring his daughters problems.


Emperor of Evil and wannabe Scientist starving Virgil makes the dust fly with Verlaine.


Needless to say Evil beats Good. Neither has athletic skill.


The kitchen war beats the tv any day.

Don’t worry IQ is on this agenda. It’s Vita she’s inappropriate.


Then the Insane really starts as Vita decides Valery’s mother is a llama. I know they are part of a triplet.


You probably can’t see from her but Voltaire’s face. Hold on I’ll get you a close up.


She looks so sad. Doesn’t it break your heart?


Vincenzi’s only worry is about sharing his fear of dirty dishes with Verlaine.


Virgil joins the kitchen war taking on Valery.


Vita sees the look in Virgil’s eyes and tries to convince him she’s already dead.


It doesn’t work.

Bearing in mind it’s only 1.39am on Monday morning/Sunday night.


It’s going to be a long week. *evil grin*

So everyone firmly in the Virgil club? No? Can I not tempt you back in DB? I mean Verlaine has Nicole for company now.

Or are any of you entering into Vita and Valery’s non-existent fan club?

Hey Vita wants to be Evil Emperor now too!


The Gumshoe and Evil one settle down for a game of wits. Level 8 against level 4.


Dallas thinks it a good idea to mooch money off his boss.

She doesn’t agree.


Huston! We have a problem. Our newly appointed City Council Member is going to be accused of sleeping his way up the ladder. That’s his boss Rose Rome. Oh she looks old. Anyway what may be a bigger problem is that his daughter Vita saw them. Although they all hate each other anyway Walsh may just take it as Vita spreading lies. Seriously only Dallas and Walsh like each other, all the children have gone off Walsh aswell for some reason.

He did perfectly time it for when Walsh was at the library though.


Where did Walsh go?

Hey Vita has gained a vote whilst I’ve been writing this!

Oh and Verlaine adds a couple of cheap lights, washing detergent, and the sculpture of the plumbob lifting Sim outside City Hall.


Verlaine is also a budding sketch artist. I guess it will pay to be able to sketch other suspects for his crimes. Although i warn you if he rolls a Architect/Stylist LTW I may have to disqualify him and go for the next suitable member of his triplets.

Anyway I think I may move the graves into the family inventory and just leave the flowers out once the memorial grave photo has been taken. I’m just fed up with the ghosts a bit. We’ll see.


The neglected/over weedy but still regularly harvested garden finally gets a bit of TLC.

Change of LTW’s as well. Vincenzi and Verlaine both want to master the guitar and art skills. Verlaine also wants to become a Classical Composer.

Oh and shock horror Dallas wants a tatoo. So not in the character of how he was in my head.

And Verlaine has added a painting to his theft list. This one looks like the Sunflowers. It’s called Bouquet of something or other.


Who’s a good honour roll student?


So it’s time to say “goodbye house” as I take everyone’s advice and leave Twinbrook behind. I t was just getting obscene in the end I was saving every sim hour or two to escape error 12, and it was taking ages to save each time. Just not worth it. Lets hope a new hood breeds new happiness for the family. Only the immediate household will be making the move, so you’ll get this gens spares running out, with the households ghosts and the families painting/sculptures books, and the bubble bath collection. A ll the important things.

Oh and between Dallas and Verlaine, a few lights and kitchen decor items have found their way into the inventory.

Where are they moving? Find out next time.

The heir poll is still open so feel free to re-vote etc. Just in case the war and theft list have influenced anything.

Score: 459

7 thoughts on “Pink’s Madness. 4.5. Welcome to Hell

  1. ~hiding behind the refrigerator~

    I’ll admit that part of me is almost tempted back to Virgil fandom, just because it would be super hyper chaotic all the time. You’d never get bored!

    A bigger part, though, still really likes Verlaine and his good/kleptomaniac combination. And he’s rolling up doable LTWs.

    Voltaire is kind of interesting, too. Yay for honor roll!

  2. I still like Vita best, sign up for her non-existent fanclub here! đŸ˜‰
    I hope the move helps some, shame you’re leaving the extended family behind though. Better luck in a new ‘hood, I can’t wait to see where!

  3. Db you were hiding behind the bar not the fridge, Rad of course was in the new bathroom under a pile of dirty laundry.
    Don’t forget Dallas is a Klepto too so you’ll have him around for a while stealing things, although not to quite the same extent as Verlaine is.
    So far the new hood is working well-ish. *touch wood*
    Poor Valery is the only one without a fan club poor girl.

    • *gasp* Are you saying my titles are rubbish!
      Hold on Dallas cheated? I don’t remember this. *rereads post* Huh. Guess I don’t remember them as well as I thought.

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